Streets for People: Sacramento Active Transportation Plan
New! Streets for People Draft Plan is available for review through April 6. You can comment on the Plan in the link below or by sending staff a comment.

New! Streets for People Draft Plan
Part two will include completing the Streets for People Active Transportation Plan, with the public review of the Draft Plan available March 5 through April 6, and Plan adoption in summer 2025.
Communities are encouraged to engage with project staff to give feedback on Plan recommendations by attending an event, utilizing the Plan comment tool linked below, or submitting a comment using the form below. You can also send an email to the project team at
Streets for People Draft Plan Documents

Add Your Comments to the Plan!
Plan and Policy Review
Existing Conditions Report
Gaps Analysis Report
Tree Opportunity Analysis
Community Engagement Summary
Case Studies and Recommendations
Development of Recommendations and Segmentation
Project Costs
Draft Network Map
The Streets for People Interactive Map closed for public comment on August 11, 2024. You can review the draft recommendations for people walking, biking, and rolling at this link:
Streets for People Draft Network Recommendations
Submit comments to the Streets for People Team
Sign-up for the Streets for People Newsletter
About the project
Streets for People, Sacramento's Active Transportation Plan, will be a new plan for improving walking, rolling and bicycling in Sacramento and will guide future City and private development investment.
Streets for People will address active transportation needs citywide and will focus engagement in areas that lack basic transportation infrastructure and that are under-resourced. The engagement focus areas include South Sacramento, North Sacramento, and Fruitridge Broadway.
Sign up for mailing list to receive updates and learn more about the project.
Planning For People Walking, Biking, and Rolling
The Streets for People Plan will identify an all ages and abilities network for people walking, biking, and rolling citywide. The Plan will identify two types of active transportation routes:
- The citywide Active Transportation Network serves longer distance trips on major collectors and arterial streets. These are generally regional or inter-community connections
- The Neighborhood Connections Network is made up of residential streets and minor collectors that connect to neighborhood destinations, such as parks and retail. The network includes proposed traffic-calming treatments to reduce vehicle speeds and volumes to support people walking, biking, and rolling.
Together, the networks will identify low-stress connections for Sacramento communities to connect to the places they need to go using active modes of transportation.

Streets for People & Neighborhood Connections Plan
The Streets for People Plan will be completed in two parts. Why two parts? Transportation funding is complex and the funding supporting the Neighborhood Connections Plan requires we complete the Plan with Council adoption no later than February 2025. Our communities had so many great comments on the combined draft network we shared in Summer 2024, we want to make sure we take the time to address those for the Active Transportation Network.
Attend an Event!
The Streets for People Team will be engaging with communities citywide on the Streets for People Draft Plan through April 6, 2025. Below is a list of events the team will be attending or hosting, with more to come as those dates and times are confirmed.
Streets for People Citywide Virtual Workshop #1
- Tuesday, March 18
- 12:00 - 1:00 PM
- Register here:
Streets for People Citywide Virtual Workshop #2
- Wednesday, March 19
- 5:00 - 7:00 PM
- Register here:
Help us spread the word about the Draft Plan!
Below are marketing materials to help notify folks about the Plan and how to get involved.
Neighborhood Connections Plan
Part one will include completing the Neighborhood Connections portion of the Plan in February 2025.
The Plan provides a framework for building and maintaining a comfortable and accessible neighborhood-oriented network for all ages and abilities, sometimes referred to as "bicycle boulevards" or "neighborhood greenways."
The Plan proposes:
- Neighborhood Connections walking and biking network that focuses on neighborhood streets and creating low-stress connections to important neighborhood destinations.
- Traffic-calming toolkit to help reduce vehicle speeds and improve quality of life along the network.
- Recommended implementation policies and actions
- Corridors treatment examples (any improvements subject to additional feasibility and/or engineering studies).
The Neighborhood Connections Plan was approved and adopted by City Council on February 25, 2025! More information can be found here: Streets for People: Neighborhood Connections Plan
Learn More About Neighborhood Connections!
Neighborhood Connections Network Map
The Neighborhood Connections Network identifies a network of traffic-calmed, residential streets to encourage neighbors to walk, bike, and roll to destinations!
View the Neighborhood Connections Network Map
Project Timeline

Phase I – Spring 2023 – Fall 2023: Listen and learn by engaging communities on important destinations and routes.
Phase II – Fall 2023 – Summer 2024: Analyze network gaps, Phase I community engagement input, create draft recommendations, and engage Sacramento communities.
Phase III Neighborhood Connections Plan – Fall 2024 – Spring 2025: Incorporate feedback on the draft recommendations, create Public Draft Plan, and Plan adoption.
Phase III Streets For People Plan - Spring 2025 – Summer 2025: Incorporate feedback on the draft recommendations, create Public Draft Plan, incorporate Neighborhood Connections Adopted Plan, and Plan adoption.
Previous Project documents
Project staff will update this site regularly with materials. This section may include recordings of virtual meetings, meeting summaries, reports, and other items.
Read the Sacramento Streets For People existing conditions report .
Read the Neighborhood Connections Existing Conditions Report
Read the Streets for People Gaps Analysis Report
Read the Tree Opportunity Analysis Report
Review the Neighborhood Connections Story Board
Contact us
If you have any questions or comments about this project, you can reach us at
Sign-up for the newsletter to receive project updates.
Learn more about projects and plans related to the Streets for People effort at the links below
City of Sacramento Bicycle Master Plan (2016)
City of Sacramento Pedestrian Master Plan (2006)
City of Sacramento Active Transportation Program